Sunday, June 14, 2009

$7,720 on 4 pairs? (4 Forex trades + preview...)

If taking $7,720 out of 4 Forex pairs with very little work sounds appealing, then read every word of this message, because..

...I have a very important update:

Bill just re-opened access to a special members website "preview" that showcases 4 Forex Income Engine 2.0 trade videos that he recorded, and he gave me permission to share them with you.

Check it out:

* Each one uses a different timeframe (5 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, and one-hour bars)...

* Some of the trades look as little as 10 minutes from entry to exit...

* Now, they can't all be good trades, of course; but 88.24% of them turned a profit...

* Total profit was 793 pips, or $7,720 had you traded 2 standard lots. Not bad for a few minutes of "work". ;-)

I think you'll agree with me if I say that's awesome...

To watch them, just login to his Forex Income Engine 2.0 member's website preview. This is similar to the site you get access to when you become a student.

Get in here:


Your username is: readyto
Your password is: enroll

(make sure you type the username & password all in lowercase)

To see the live trade videos, go to the "Pip Vault" section after you login to the site.

Be sure to check out the entire website, because Bill also put up some previews of all the CD-ROM modules so you can get a taste of what the course is like.

I hope you're as excited as I am about being able to get access to the entire Forex Income Engine 2.0 course on Tuesday, June 16th at 10 am Eastern time.

And as you watch the live trade videos, I think you'll agree that this method makes it possible for you to truly create a new income stream on YOUR SCHEDULE, trading as little or as long as you want.

As you watch these trade videos, you'll see how it doesn't matter where you live or when you have time to trade, because setups occur around the clock, and almost at any time - again
and again... and again...

To learn more read the Forex Income Engine 2.0 review.