Monday, April 28, 2008

Start Your Profits Today is Finally Back.......

Last week Michael Cheney released Start Your Profits Today. This huge video package was created for the newbie Internet marketer. It teaches you how to make money online with no website, no list, and no Internet marketing know how whatsoever.

The only problem is that 48 hours after Michael released Start Your Profits Today it was shut down. Why? Who knows why... Michael said that the program was sold out. I was upset and my subscribers were upset. The reason I was upset was because I knew what Michael was giving out was GOLD. And my subscribers were upset. People were contacting me asking me when it was going to reopen and I didn't know what to tell them. It was too late.

For those of you that are chomping at the bit waiting for Michael to open Start Your Profits Today again I have great news for you. Last night I got a email from Michael's staff and they let me know that on April 29th at 12 Noon EST they would reopen Start Your Profits Today.

If you are sick and tired of all the lies from the so called gurus and want to really learn how to make money from a guy who really knows what he's talking about than go to Start Your Profits Today now.......


To learn more about Start Your Profits Today go to the Start Your Profits Today Review.

P.S. Since Saturday's post I have added over 300 people to my list! Let's get to that 10,000 by the end of May.