Sunday, November 23, 2008

Proof of forex robot tripling real money and more....

FAP Turbo is the name of the newest Forex Robot. You probably have heard already some rumors of a so called “super robot” being secretly developed since several months by some guru IT students.

Between You and Me, I thought it was all marketing talk and science fiction. I am to old to believe in Santa Claus and I consider myself a down to earth person that thought there couldn't be any mind shaking surprises on the Forex front.

However just right now I am totally stunned and a little bit in disbelief, I have to admit.

What I just saw.. is something that IS going to blow your mind and change everything you thought you knew about Forex, I assure you!

I just got a PROOF REPORT that is absolutely incredible. It shows the new kid on the block, FapTurbo trade real monetary accounts in the sizes of $ 370 and $2,500 ... and it triples them + more in under a month!


This is not a backtest report! I repeat.... no simulation but real money has been put on the line.

The page You are going to see is a showcase straight into some of these guys accounts... Do yourself a favor and check it out ASAP. Here is the link:


Be quick about it! I don't know what happens if too many people try to access this report all at once. It is brand new but will spread like wildfire within a few hours...

To learn more read the FAP Turbo Review.