Thursday, January 22, 2009

Howie Schwartz's Water Fire Sale.....

This is a little strange I know, but my friend Howie Schwartz recently had a disaster at his home in Connecticut...

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See, "Mr. Potato Head" decided to take a "swim" in his toilet. But unfortunately this action caused a flood in Howie's house . . .

So bad in fact, that walls had to come down, floors needed to be ripped up, ceilings replaced... the works.

The even stranger part is what was found buried beneath the rubble.

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You'll have to watch the video to see what happened because Howie caught everything on tape.

Trust me, this is not something you want to miss, and the strangest part of all... is that this is a true story!

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Howie also insists that you promise not to tell anyone what you learn from this clip at the Water Fire Sale....