Monday, November 17, 2008

Now Is The Time To Get Revenge On Google....

The game has well and truly changed...


Look, forget about review sites, ignore those "conduit" creations and step away from anyone recommending you build niche blogs to sell affiliate products.

The people that do that kind of thing are -and shall ever remain - marketing small fry...

If you want to play with the big boys you need to master Adwords and the art of building a list.

Traffic and conversions - that's the name of the game.

But listen carefully, the old ways of slapping up a pre-sell page and throwing some traffic its way... are tired and barely functional.

You need a new system, a system so elegant and smooth in its deployment... prospects will be chomping at the bit to sign up to your newsletter.

A system that urges and gently persuades subscribers to purchase affiliate products... without them even realizing what's happening.

A system that can make you wildly rich in a very short space of time.

Go quickly...if you don't get in on this you can be sure your competitors will...


Why are you reading down here? It's vital you implement the Google Revenge system today... your bank balance will thank you for it...

To learn more read the Google Revenge review.