Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Do Not Buy Affiliate Elite!!

Before you gasp at the subject line let me tell you that Affiliate Elite is not for everyone. By now you've probably received many emails promising you the world if you get Affiliate Elite. Don't believe them!

I know you may not believe this, but I am one of the few people who was able to get my hands on a very early pre-release copy of Affiliate Elite. I've played with it for the past month and have come to the conclusion that it is not for everyone.

You can read a short review and watch a quick video of Affiliate Elite I created at the link below:


Affiliate Elite is only for those that have decided that they are serious about making money online. This software is for those who are planning on creating their own info-product or software and want to get a huge amount of affiliates fast or for those who want to become super affiliates in record time.

Check out the video and read the review at the link above.

After you read the review and check out the video visit the Affiliate Elite site here: